Building brand loyalty through emotion:

How experiential marketing creates deeper connections with consumers.


Building brand loyalty through emotion:

Emily Dolber, Sr. Brand Marketing Director, OBE

By crafting experiences that resonate on a personal level, brands have the power to forge connections that transcend the transactional and build lifelong advocates.

In today’s fast-paced and digitally saturated world, brands are constantly looking for innovative ways to break through the noise and form meaningful relationships with their audiences. Enter experiential marketing. No longer just about flashy events or Instagram-able moments, experiential marketing is about driving emotional responses that anchor consumers to a brand.

Brands that tap into emotional connections through experience-led moments create lasting bonds that foster not just engagement, but deep, enduring loyalty. By crafting experiences that resonate on a personal level, brands have the power to forge connections that transcend the transactional and build lifelong advocates.

How experiential marketing creates deeper connections and fuels lasting brand loyalty.

Emotional bonds drive brand loyalty.

At the heart of every great brand story is emotion. Research consistently shows that emotional connections are crucial for cultivating long-term loyalty. A study by CapGemini revealed that emotionally engaged consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand, recommend it to others and remain loyal over time. Experiential marketing allows brands to create these emotional connections by immersing consumers in sensory environments where they can directly interact with a brand’s values and vision.

For instance, the It’s Her Shot campaign, a partnership between Nike and DICK’S Sporting Goods, empowered young female athletes by creating a safe space for them to play and teaching them important skills for both on and off the court. To truly connect with girls—and their parents—Nike and DICK’S Sporting Goods purposefully avoided driving attendees to retail or selling product. Instead, they focused on building the athletes’ confidence, promoting self-expression, and empowering their support systems to keep girls playing.

By providing these hands-on and uplifting experiences, Nike and DICK’S created personal, emotional connections that resonated deeply with their audiences, building long-term loyalty by aligning their brands with empowerment and positivity.

2. Authentic engagement fuels brand affinity.

Experiential marketing allows brands to connect authentically with consumers, creating interactions that go beyond passive consumption. According to Event Marketer’s EventTrack survey, “91% consumers reported that they would be more inclined to purchase the brand’s product or service after participating in a brand activation or experience, and 40% felt they become more loyal to the brand.” By fostering authentic connections, consumers are more likely to see themselves in the brand, be willing to co-create with the brand, and, in turn, gain a sense of belonging through the brand’s experiences.

For example, Sephora’s SEPHORiA: House of Beauty  transformed the beauty retailer’s relationship with its customers by inviting them into an interactive, multi-sensory beauty experience. Attendees were immersed in personalized beauty consultations, hands-on product explorations, and expert-led masterclasses that made them feel like part of the brand’s story. By featuring products made for diverse audiences, highlighting resonant artists both on stage and online, and designing accessible experiences in-person and virtually, Sephora created an inclusive event that resonated on every level. And, of course, they gave attendees what they craved—samples! The result? A deeper brand connection that not only drove immediate sales but also fostered long-term loyalty.

These authentic, in-person and virtual interactions are key to establishing meaningful connections that last beyond the experience. Consumers feel valued and appreciated when they engage directly with a brand, which reinforces loyalty and encourages ongoing brand advocacy.

3. Memorable brand experiences spark word-of-mouth marketing.

While experiential marketing excels at creating direct connections, its ripple effect is equally powerful. Experiences that evoke strong emotions—whether through joy, surprise, or inspiration—are more likely to be shared, driving word-of-mouth marketing both online and offline. According to Nielsen, “88% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know more than any other channel.”  This means word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the most effective ways to extend a brand’s reach.

A great example is EEEEEATSCON, a food festival designed to invite people to try something new and tell others, “You have to try this!” We partner with The Infatuation to host EEEEEATSCON in Miami, Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago, bringing together over 30 restaurants in each market with a curated mix of local favorites, out-of-town must-tries, exclusive collaborations, and immersive brand activations. Not only do attendees share their excitement about the food, celebrity panels, and live performances across social media—amplifying the experience beyond the festival grounds—but the participating restaurants also benefit from increased exposure and brand visibility. By introducing their culinary creations to a broader audience, these restaurants drive foot traffic and sales long after the event ends. EEEEEATSCON creates share-worthy moments that fuel word-of-mouth marketing, turning festivalgoers into advocates and helping The Infatuation and its partner restaurants build lasting loyalty.

By creating memorable, share-worthy moments, experiential marketing not only fosters emotional bonds with existing consumers but also expands a brand’s audience through the power of word-of-mouth.

4. Emotional Resonance turns one-time interactions into lifelong relationships.

One of the most compelling advantages of experiential marketing is its ability to turn one-time interactions into lifelong relationships through emotional resonance. By crafting experiences that speak to consumers’ emotions, brands can create moments that leave lasting impressions, inspiring loyalty and continued engagement.

A study by the Harvard Business Review found that “emotionally connected customers are more than twice as valuable to brands as highly satisfied customers.” This is because emotionally connected consumers aren’t just satisfied with a product or service—they feel personally invested in the brand. They are more likely to follow the brand’s journey, advocate for its products and remain loyal over the long term.

The J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge is a perfect example of how a brand can create an emotionally resonant B2B experience that keeps companies coming back year after year. By turning a simple race into a powerful team-building event, the Corporate Challenge taps into emotions of camaraderie, accomplishment and connection. Employees shed the formality of work, bonding over shared goals and post-race celebrations. As one Team Captain for Schroders in Singapore noted, “It is at these events that we see diverse individuals from different teams getting acquainted with each other, breaking down barriers, and encouraging teamwork. It is one of the ways to foster a stronger company culture.” These authentic, emotion-driven moments foster lasting relationships within teams and between companies and the JPMorganChase brand, ensuring participants return year after year, turning a one-time event into a long-standing tradition of connection and loyalty.

Conclusion: Emotion is the heartbeat of brand loyalty.

In today’s crowded marketplace, the brands that thrive are those that create genuine emotional connections. Experiential marketing offers a powerful way to move beyond transactions and build lasting relationships. By crafting immersive, emotion-driven experiences, brands foster personal empowerment, spark authentic connections, and inspire moments worth sharing. These experiences not only generate buzz but build communities, fuel word-of-mouth, and anchor brands in consumers’ hearts and minds. The future of brand loyalty lies in emotional resonance—creating lasting impacts that keep consumers coming back.

Let's work together to create unforgettable experiences that drive emotional connections and brand loyalty.


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