The Drum Awards jury announced:

CEO Deb Murray Lemon to judge experiential category this year.


The Drum Awards jury announced:

Our fearless leader and CEO, Deb Murray Lemon, will be serving as a juror for this year’s The Drum Awards! Deb's expertise and dedication to the industry make her an exceptional choice for this prestigious role, and we couldn't be prouder.

With a global jury 700 strong, including Deb, entries are in expert hands.

Ready to make your mark? 

Here are a few tips to draft an award-winning submission:

  1. Tell a Compelling Story: Make your journey and impact unforgettable.
  2. Showcase Results: Let the data do the talking.
  3. Keep it Clear and Concise: Straightforward and to the point.
  4. Highlight Innovation: What makes your work stand out?
  5. Proofread and Review: No room for errors here!

The deadline to enter The Drum Awards is July 31, 2024.
Enter here:

Good luck to all entrants!

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