Sweating the deal.


Sweating the deal.

What says corporate bonding more than feeling that burn deep in your legs? Wait. What? Let us explain. BIZBASH highlighted Sweatworking in an article about how companies are capitalizing on a new kind of networking where instead of gathering for drinks and conversation, groups are bonding over workouts followed by healthy snacks. This spoke volumes to us at OBE. We are an active company, with active clients. Our Account Managers run along side our clients in half marathons. Our Production Coordinators take on local training classes with our Brand Ambassadors. Even our office dogs do some impressive lunges between meetings. Sweatworking to us is a part of our day-to-day.

Gone are the days of taking clients to Happy Hour to network or after meetings. Don't get us wrong: We would never turn down an invite. But once people have looked into each others eyes and see that moment when they both thank and hate you for making them workout, that moment is when you have bonded for life. Competition, motivation, a feeling of "WHY, OH GOD WHY, AM I DOING THIS?” These are all real-life emotions that go with a busy work life, and a grueling workout. Sweatworking trends are good news for OBE, our client relationships, and our body's problem areas.

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